Parish councillor vacancy
A Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Councillor for the parish of Eyton has been published. Please see below:
A Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Councillor for the parish of Eyton has been published. Please see below:
Would you know what to do if a friend or family member suffered a life threatening emergency? If not book a place now at a free two hour Heartstart course at Cawley Hall.
You will learn how to call for help, help someone who is unconscious, recognise the warning signs of a heart attack, deal with choking or serious bleeding and perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) including the use of a defibrillator.
Booking is essential to participate. Numbers are limited. The course will be from 7-9 pm on Wednesday 12 September 2018 at Cawley Hall, Eye. To book contact the Clerk or Heartstart (Herefordshire Heartstart, 0845 60 60 654,
A poster is available to download – Click here to download the poster.
Luston Group Parish Council adopted several polices and notices on Monday 14 May 2018 in preparation for the new General Data Protection Regulations which come into force on 25 May 2018. For details of these please see the dedicated GDPR page on the website – Luston Group PC and GDPR.
The referendum for voters within the Luston Group neighbourhood area was held on Thursday 23 November 2017. The result is 139 votes cast for Yes, which is 87.9 percent of votes cast. The total number of votes recorded represented 22.2 percent of registered electors. The Declaration of Result of Poll is available to download – Luston_Group_Referendum_Results.
From today the NDP will have full material weight and Herefordshire Council is now in the process of formally adopting the Luston Group NDP as part of the statutory development plan. It is anticipated that this process will take around a month to complete.
On 3 December 2017, there will be a litter pick along Eye Lane and around Luston. If you would like to join in, we will be meeting at Cawley Hall at 10am and expect to pick litter for about an hour. All equipment is provided. There will be refreshments afterwards.
We hope you can join us.
Luston Group Parish Council
The referendum on the Luston Group Neighbourhood Development Plan for voters within the Luston Group neighbourhood area will be held on 23 November 2017.
The Notice of Referendum – Luston Group is available to download.