Parish councillor vacancy
A Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Councillor for the parish of Eyton has been published. Please see below:
A Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Councillor for the parish of Eyton has been published. Please see below:
A Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Councillor for the parish of Eyton has been published. The notice is available to download – NOV – Luston Group Parish Council – and can be viewed on the noticeboards at Eyton and Westland View, Luston.
The group parish council asks that landowners take note of the information on ditch and drainage responsibilities highlighted by Herefordshire Council – Ditches and Drainage – Guidance on Your Responsibilities
“Ditches and drains need to be maintained to reduce the risk of flooding and to maintain the condition of highways by keeping them clear of excess water. Poor drainage damages roads and creates hazards for road users and local residents. Good drainage will reduce maintenance and costs for all.
“The owner of land or property that adjoins a watercourse, such as a roadside ditch, is known as the riparian owner. Although the Highways Authority is responsible for the highway, it does not own the ‘sub-soil’ of the highway. The owner of the land or property adjoining the highway is normally the sole riparian owner.”
NB. Mainline Pipelines Ltd requires notification of the intention to carry out any work within 50 metres of the pipeline. It is recommended that formal buried services searches are done by using the website. This service is free to use. The pipeline operator and numerous other utility services are then alerted and able to make an appropriate response, especially critical when that work will be within the pipeline easement. Mainline Pipelines Ltd can also be contacted via their agents Fisher German by telephoning the freephone number 0800 756 0804 or by emailing
The pipeline operator is responsible for clearly marking the detailed route of the pipe (a free service) and to specify any constraints on the proposed methods of working. All works require prior approval except certain routine agricultural operations: however fencing, ditching and drainage operations must be notified. This is not an exhaustive list of works, please contact Mainline Pipelines Ltd.
This does not just apply to ditching or drainage but also to street furniture, stiles, footpath markers etc.
Our new Police and Crime Community Support Officer, Steph Harper, will give a short talk on Cyber Crime including tips on how to be prepared and not get caught out – Cyber Security – 12 June 2019.
7.30 pm on Wednesday, 12 June 2019 at Cawley Hall. The talk scheduled for earlier in the year was cancelled due to a power cut.
Admission free.
We hope you can join us.
Luston Group Parish Council
Please see the Notice of Poll for Bircher Ward – Notice of Poll – Bircher
Please find below the Result of Uncontested Election for the parishes of Eyton, Luston, and Eye Moreton and Ashton.
UNCON – Eyton
UNCON – Luston
UNCON – Eye Moreton Ashton
Please click the following link to view the Statement of Persons Nominated to stand for Bircher Ward: SPN_WARD_BIRCHER
Please click the following links to view the Statement of Persons Nominated to stand for the parishes of Eyton, Luston and Eye Moreton and Ashton: SPN_PARISH_EYTON, SPN_PARISH_LUSTON, and SPN_PARISH_EYE_MORETON_ASHTON