Drop in consultation at the Balance Inn, 3pm-8pm, Thursday, 7 July 2016.
Following the Regulation 14 consultation period, Herefordshire Council planners have asked for clarification as to how the 24 houses needed in Luston could be accommodated in areas within or adjacent to the village settlement boundary (as our draft plan suggests).
After extensive researches and visits to potential sites, the Luston Group Parish Council Neighbourhood Development Plan steering group has identified possible areas where development could be allowed to take place for (click here for a map and summary). The identification of these sites and their addition to the Plan means a slight modification to that presented in the Regulation 14 period; therefore needing further public comment before inclusion in the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan.
There will be a public “drop in” consultation session to view these at THE BALANCE INN on THURSDAY 7th JULY between 3pm and 8pm, where you will be able to discuss and comment on them with members of the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group. All residents in the Group Parish, and especially those who live in Luston, are invited to attend.
Light snacks will also be available.
We are nearly “there” – two more hurdles to jump and the Neighbourhood Development Plan starts getting “clout” with the planners: then after an examination period and finally being approved in a Group Parish referendum it will be adopted and enshrined in law. This will all hopefully happen by the end of this year.
See you at The Balance on July 7th