The submission draft of our Neighbourhood Development Plan has gone to Herefordshire Council, and the ‘Regulation 16’, final public consultation is underway.
You may have seen the official site notices in the village and on the neighbourhood plan website. Please note the Regulation 16 consultation runs from 9 January 20 February 2017.
This consultation is conducted in accordance with Government regulations, so please note it is being run solely by Herefordshire Council and all comments or representations must be made direct to them.
Consequently, the group parish council, parish clerk and the neighbourhood plan steering group cannot accept or forward any comments or representations and any received will have to be returned.
You can find the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan, all the other consultation documents, and details of how to respond on Herefordshire Council’s website – Luston Group NDP.
A paper copy can also be viewed at Leominster Customer Service Centre, Hereford Customer Service Centre and Hereford Library.
Once the consultation has finished, the plan will undergo an independent examination and finally there will be a referendum, giving everyone in the parish, who is on the electoral roll, the opportunity to vote on whether to adopt the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Luston Group Parish Council