Annual Canvass 2016

Each property in Herefordshire will be receiving a “Household Enquiry Form” in mid-September, as part of this year’s Annual Canvass. This form will list all registered voters and asks households to confirm if correct, or add new people or remove people who have moved out.

It is a legal requirement that each household completes and returns their Household Enquiry Form, whether there are changes or not. Anyone in the household aged 18 or over can complete the form for the whole household. It is easy to do and you can complete via phone, text, internet or post – the choice is yours. Full and clear instructions are on the form.

If you have any questions or problems, more information is available on our website or contact Herefordshire Council Electoral Services on 01432 260107 or email

P.S. Whilst the Canvass process helps us to understand who is eligible to vote, it does not register any new electors. New electors must still register individually as well – the easiest way to do this is online at and this can be done at anytime

Luston Neighbourhood Plan News

Luston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting, 7pm, Cawley Hall, 31 August 2016

The Steering Group is in the process of reviewing the representations made in response to the Regulation 14 public consultation (March-April 2016), and drop in consultation event held in July 2016.

The next meeting of the steering group at 7pm on Wednesday 31 August 2016 at Cawley Hall, Eye, will consider proposed alterations to the draft neighbourhood development plan as a result of the representations made.

You are welcome to join the meeting, which is held in public like parish council meetings.

Being a Good Neighbour

Volunteers for the Good Neighbour scheme are holding a meeting at 7pm at the Balance Inn on Thursday 11 August 2016.  All are welcome.